
Pride of Prodigy

Pride of Prodigy

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Seems Waste Seems Waste Owner 10,657,280 128 online Offline
[#BAXGNQWPF] [#BAXGNQWPF] General 73,728 0 online Offline
[#4JUUWNLUA] [#4JUUWNLUA] General 398,089 3 online Offline
[#2L0AQ391I] [#2L0AQ391I] Captain 578,136 61 online Offline
l1fe is hard l1fe is hard Sergeant 346,964 39 online Offline
joola lt2 joola lt2 Sergeant 43,823 5 online Offline
[#MIK5GB27Z] [#MIK5GB27Z] Sergeant 544,025 49 online Offline
[#AGQCXZ1XX] [#AGQCXZ1XX] Sergeant 154,141 16 online Offline
[#GRVWCUPEY] [#GRVWCUPEY] Sergeant 172,627 12 online Offline
[#J1VOGYWWO] [#J1VOGYWWO] Sergeant 411,334 20 online Offline
[#AJ3ULKFCS] [#AJ3ULKFCS] Sergeant 173,797 19 online Offline
[#1IDGAOAUV] [#1IDGAOAUV] Sergeant 60,156 1 online Offline
27strike2171 27strike2171 Sergeant 4,858,069 62 online Offline
[#B6TGXJK8U] [#B6TGXJK8U] Recruit 109,855 7 online Offline
[#Y89INP04C] [#Y89INP04C] Recruit 70,355 0 online Offline