
clan poison

clan poison

Avatar Name Clan Rank Member Total XP Kills Online
Venomous76 Venomous76 Owner 199,555,086 377 online Offline
Duckie Law Duckie Law Deputy Owner 52,815,706 195 online Offline
makoyi makoyi Deputy Owner 83,490,370 418 online Offline
Zware Bieren Zware Bieren General 43,759,475 329 online Offline
acoma acoma General 8,525,616 26 online Offline
hk diana hk diana General 4,109,050 0 online Offline
The Real M00 The Real M00 Captain 29,251,184 71 online Offline
Deckor Deckor Captain 46,200,990 140 online Offline
Rune Raiders Rune Raiders Captain 10,903,977 58 online Offline
Rumarak Rumarak Sergeant 229,583,012 96 online Offline
NaxoGaming NaxoGaming Sergeant 177,075,750 283 online Offline
saatanasalat saatanasalat Sergeant 147,082,803 305 online Offline
mas187 mas187 Sergeant 3,561,602 145 online Offline
Soccer Lane Soccer Lane Sergeant 2,066,427 64 online Offline
carpmasterr carpmasterr Corporal 322,411 49 online Offline