


"It it shines, eat it"

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For any player who pleases to join. SquidSquad is all in good fun and encourages members to chat among themselves and also group up. Message the leaders at any given time if online for help or questions, even if you'd like to group up. Any help needed with buying armor, weapons, etc, will also be provided out of the good of our hearts.. Look out for one another.

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SquidStasis SquidStasis Owner
SuperNovanna SuperNovanna Deputy Owner
dopeeey dopeeey Admin
Motogamer736 Motogamer736 General
50abyssal420 50abyssal420 Lieutenant
pabloemelioe pabloemelioe Sergeant
meltingpot12 meltingpot12 Sergeant
NightWolf187 NightWolf187 Corporal
SirWarf SirWarf Corporal
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