
Faladorian Fishes

Faladorian Fishes

"Work hard, play hard. Stay loyal and have fun!"

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A great community of players who work hard together to make this clan the best that it could possibly be! Work hard, play hard, stay loyal, have fun!

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dragon9876 dragon9876 Owner
The Whips The Whips Captain
Canus_Majors Canus_Majors Corporal
Death 486 Death 486 Recruit
[#R5EP65CFV] [#R5EP65CFV] Recruit
lubu8 lubu8 Recruit
tricky_lemon tricky_lemon Recruit
Wag211 Wag211 Recruit
spartan 2089 spartan 2089 Recruit
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Clan event 139 12-Apr-15 18:30
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