
Solis et Umbra

Solis et Umbra

"Discord: Join for group bossing/discussion "

Report Page

Welcome! Try to suck less today!

We're a highly active clan with a very active discord. We run regular group bossing events daily and are always willing to teach. Group bossing includes AOD (7 man and mass), Beastmaster/Yakamaru, Solak, Vorago and more!

Our discord includes options to enter giveaways, help channels, access to knowledgeable clannies 24/7 as well as some of the funniest people you'll ever meet.

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Top Clanmates

Sundreena Sundreena Owner
FrozFireX FrozFireX Deputy Owner
Doomsnow2348 Doomsnow2348 Organiser
1st Best 1st Best Organiser
I Cant Base I Cant Base Organiser
Gerblore Gerblore Admin
JewzillaYUM JewzillaYUM Admin
SuperDonut0 SuperDonut0 Admin
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