
Th3 Titans

Th3 Titans

"Join the almighty Titans today!"

Report Page

"Th3 Titans, descendant's of Uranus and Gaia themselves."

With 200+ clan members, we are a very strong, effective and social!
Regular events; boss fights for both f2p and p2p, clan wars, and marches. We give answers if you ask to us.

Want to join us?
Please take a look on our forums!

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Top Clanmates

ItchyScrotus ItchyScrotus Owner
Babo97 Babo97 Deputy Owner
[#91URJ83Q4] [#91URJ83Q4] Admin
Catart2296 Catart2296 Admin
[#8AJSTMND7] [#8AJSTMND7] General
Firerman777 Firerman777 Captain
[#3CKDRWA7J] [#3CKDRWA7J] Captain
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Activities - Clan Wars 50 01-May-11 23:00
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