
The Nexus CC

The Nexus CC

"Not everyone can help everybody, but everyone can help someone."

Report Page

         Welcome! Please join the friend or clan chat - The Nexus CC to meet our clan. We are a mixed clan of adults and teens, eight years old at our base clan, newly developed on Christmas of 2010. We do expect all to comply with a few common-sense guidelines: respect the clan members & guests, no inciteful, racial or prejudicial activity will be tolerated. Do offer and please ask for help if able or needed, follow RS rules, keep the clan chat clean, and most importantly enjoy the game. We have all levels of players, as such we do not worry about pixilated stats or egos; we care much more about the individuals and camaraderie. We do enjoy and promote events and impromptu gatherings in all aspects of the game from skilling to killing. Please do follow us here or on our website for updates. Feel free to stop in as a guest if we can be of assistance, or to ask the name of our website, grab a seat and an ale as we share in the paths and adventures, good luck to all and happy gaming

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Orionztail Orionztail Owner
Gemity Gemity Deputy Owner
Ava Exo Ava Exo Deputy Owner
Joes Newb Joes Newb Deputy Owner
Racarus Racarus Deputy Owner
The Nexus Cc The Nexus Cc Deputy Owner
AoDude AoDude Deputy Owner
Joex145 Joex145 Deputy Owner
Avatar AO Avatar AO Deputy Owner
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