
Wolves of the dead

Wolves of the dead

"We fight together, live together, breathe together, die together. "

Report Page

Welcome to this clan page.  Our clan is small but is doing well. If you join and you are a member and BobbyZlich0 or Wing are on, try to get 3 more members so we can make the clan citadel. Wing and I are both the owners.  Hope you can join! We would appreciate the help.

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Top Clanmates

BobbyZlich0 BobbyZlich0 Deputy Owner
[#P8QWXCEB6] [#P8QWXCEB6] Overseer
[#F8JS8BUHY] [#F8JS8BUHY] Coordinator
Rickthehick9 Rickthehick9 Admin
gayvillain gayvillain General
Se Darkmage2 Se Darkmage2 Lieutenant
Carbnon Carbnon Lieutenant
Clanmates (all)

Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Party 1 01-Jan-12 08:00
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