


"Clan Discord Server:"

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AESOP is The Association of Essentially Sane Older Players
Founded February 2006

We are a group of like-minded RuneScape players whose mission is to provide companionship & support for players similar to ourselves. Emphasis is on the fact that behind every player is a real person with real feelings. Physical age is not a basis for membership, altho most of us are indeed "over-the-hillers".

As a group we offer a less regimented clan option for the mature player, with the common goal of making RS a better environment. Our expectation is that AESOPs of all ages exhibit maturity: to understand & tolerate ordinary things like differing opinions, the zeal of some players, or simply having a bad day, & take such things into consideration when interacting with other members & RS players.

Most of all, "Family" comes to mind when thinking of AESOP; we have grown into a group with entire families as members, & consider each other to be family.

A sense of humor is required!

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Ahma Lyra Ahma Lyra Chef
nocheBUeNa nocheBUeNa Vize-Chef
Chazity20 Chazity20 Vize-Chef
Oso422 Oso422 Aufseher
Bobs Bread Bobs Bread Aufseher
Billy Bomb Billy Bomb Aufseher
Fwehddi Fwehddi Aufseher
Duuude Duuude Aufseher
Maid Marian Maid Marian Koordinator
Clanangehörige (alle)


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