
Randoms United

Randoms United

"A team is as strong as its weakest player."

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Family mentality clan founded by RS veterans, no obligations and no drama.
Active leadership, friendly community.

Mix between F2P/P2P, have experienced as well as beginner players and any level is welcome.
It's all about family vibes, helping players level, learn the game, learn bossing and all of RS content and socializing together. We do skilling events, PvP events, PvM events, Minigame events and do collaborations with other clans too!

No toxicity or drama. Clan is a hub for genuine people to get together and enjoy their experience together on rs. Whether that is in form of chat or group activity.

Everyone is welcome who finds this appealing and thinks this description sounds like home! We have an active discord with regular group voice calls too, fun times and good laughs.

We hope you have a lovely day reading this!
- Randoms United family

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Ernaela Ernaela Vize-Chef
0ld Boy 0ld Boy Vize-Chef
Nikolaasp Nikolaasp Koordinator
Luna Mekko Luna Mekko Admin
Trezeguet Trezeguet General
ScreamerGL ScreamerGL General
Wave-e Wave-e General
Clanangehörige (alle)


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