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We are a friendly group of adult skillers from all over the world.  Our chat is in English.  There is usually someone online at all times.  We welcome new recruits, as long as you are friendly, and over the age of 21 (exceptions can be made).

We have weekly competitions within the clan, as well as a weekly "project recipient".  This player picks a skill they would like to work on, and the rest of the clan donate to that person to assist in raising the chosen skill.

We have been in existence since July 2007.

We have threads on this forum designed for the recruit seeking further information on our clan.  If you feel you are a good fit for us, please PM the Owner/Deputy Owners (we are the Council of Elders) for further consideration.  

Clans vergleichen


Cubeicuss Cubeicuss Vize-Chef
Ole Mot Ole Mot Vize-Chef
Farmer Jim Farmer Jim Vize-Chef
MyrddinEmris MyrddinEmris Vize-Chef
Ole Ed Ole Ed Vize-Chef
Sirod64 Sirod64 Vize-Chef
Dare Devi16 Dare Devi16 Vize-Chef
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