
Hardcore Ironman - Herblore

Hardcore Ironman is for our most hardcore players. Invented by the community Hardcore Ironman includes a permanent death mechanic to add that extra challenge to RuneScape.

Rank Player Level XP
21,651 IMKorakie IMKorakie 42 45,705

Player Died

27-Nov-2020 05:33

in Wilderness,

fighting in PvP combat against The Blight.

42 45,701
21,653 RentokilCruz RentokilCruz

Player Died

25-Jul-2022 11:54

in Wilderness,

fighting against: Chaos Elemental.

42 45,700
21,654 Philly26z Philly26z

Player Died

24-Nov-2023 14:57

in Varrock,

fighting against: Thrower troll.

42 45,698
21,655 ZargoFTP ZargoFTP 42 45,691
21,656 IronJock IronJock

Player Died

19-Oct-2015 19:44

in Falador,

fighting against: White Knight.

42 45,682
21,657 SuPrEmE KinG SuPrEmE KinG

Player Died

05-Aug-2020 17:49

in Clan Wars,

fighting in PvP combat against damaaj.

42 45,682
21,658 Invaders Die Invaders Die

Player Died

07-Jan-2021 19:32

in The Shadow Reef,

fighting against: Hanto.

42 45,682
21,659 Eisen Alzak Eisen Alzak

Player Died

31-Dec-2022 03:36

42 45,680
21,660 KrincusBlimp KrincusBlimp 42 45,679
21,661 28 Dry Arm 28 Dry Arm 42 45,676
21,662 HC QuestLore HC QuestLore

Player Died

12-Nov-2023 07:59

in Burthorpe,

fighting against: Thrower Troll.

42 45,669
21,663 So Much Womp So Much Womp

Player Died

09-Feb-2023 04:43

in Wilderness,

fighting against: Soulgazer.

42 45,663
21,664 Snjorlax Snjorlax 42 45,653
21,665 Pinesoldiron Pinesoldiron

Player Died

14-Apr-2018 04:15

in Feldip,

fighting in PvP combat against Pine.

42 45,633
21,666 Wrobb221 Wrobb221

Player Died

10-Jan-2021 19:56

in Misthalin Underground,

fighting in PvP combat against Pee Vee Peer.

42 45,617
21,667 nwfm nwfm 42 45,607
21,668 pom5u pom5u

Player Died

23-Aug-2021 21:43

in Mazcab,

fighting against: Airut.

42 45,585
21,669 Sloppy Broth Sloppy Broth

Player Died

24-Sep-2023 01:00

in Burthorpe,

fighting against: Thrower troll.

42 45,581
21,670 Samberss Samberss 42 45,580
21,671 HCIM Hinze HCIM Hinze 42 45,565
21,672 Fritzki Fritzki

Player Died

01-Apr-2016 15:40

in Wilderness Dungeons,

fighting against: King Black Dragon.

42 45,561
21,673 Phaillanxx Phaillanxx 42 45,554
21,674 rs3ironmeme rs3ironmeme 42 45,549
21,675 HelpfulPlayr HelpfulPlayr 42 45,548