
Hardcore Ironman - Ranged

Hardcore Ironman is for our most hardcore players. Invented by the community Hardcore Ironman includes a permanent death mechanic to add that extra challenge to RuneScape.

Rank Player Level XP
126 Bl4ckbeardIM Bl4ckbeardIM

Player Died

01-Sep-2021 20:20

in Wilderness,

fighting in PvP combat against Bl4ckbeard.

99 84,773,025
127 Pubstomp Pubstomp

Player Died

16-Oct-2016 01:49

in Feldip,

fighting in PvP combat against Final Chillz.

99 84,372,366
128 Jens bo Jens bo

Player Died

09-Aug-2021 19:42

in Misthalin Underground,

to skittering insects in the dark.

99 83,138,695
129 Ad Erm Ad Erm 99 83,046,984
130 Slumris Slumris

Player Died

03-Jul-2021 20:30

in Orthen Oubliette,

fighting against: Raksha, the Shadow Colossus.

99 82,276,988
131 rooLick rooLick

Player Died

22-Jul-2023 20:14

in Clan Wars,

fighting in PvP combat against Shoka.

99 81,309,329
132 Sour Low Go Sour Low Go 99 80,732,719
133 Level Knevel Level Knevel 99 80,717,017
134 HC Zaza HC Zaza 99 80,186,815
135 Ello Ello

Player Died

30-Oct-2018 19:11

in Lumbridge/Draynor,

to an unknown power.

99 79,740,525
136 Sidney Sidney

Player Died

24-May-2019 21:38

in Clan Wars,

fighting in PvP combat against Hanniho.

99 79,736,020
137 gluba0 gluba0

Player Died

05-Feb-2023 09:00

in Wilderness,

to an unknown power.

99 79,090,626
138 TrackpadDead TrackpadDead 99 78,961,857
139 HA-Inf99 HA-Inf99 99 78,902,240
140 i herblaw i herblaw 99 78,746,391
141 Stidgeon Stidgeon 99 78,230,907
142 HCIM Baddie HCIM Baddie 99 76,971,560
143 Huge Justus Huge Justus 99 76,940,052
144 Pereciffo1 Pereciffo1 99 76,905,698
145 UIM Bridear UIM Bridear

Player Died

13-Dec-2020 03:56

in Menaphos and Sophanem underground,

fighting against: Imperial mage akh.

99 76,659,818
146 Juicearific Juicearific

Player Died

05-Dec-2020 08:03

in Desert,

fighting against: Double agent.

99 76,569,499
147 Adam Dunbar Adam Dunbar

Player Died

31-Mar-2021 17:45

in an unknown location,

to an unknown power.

99 76,178,677
148 Sir Ellinger Sir Ellinger 99 75,813,258
149 LlamaGoesMoo LlamaGoesMoo

Player Died

17-Feb-2022 15:32

in an unknown location,

to an unknown power.

99 74,983,162
150 Moon Moon Moon Moon

Player Died

06-May-2023 07:15

in an unknown location,

to an unknown power.

99 74,711,960