Introducing Mod Kieren

Introducing Mod Kieren

Today we have another addition to the Old School team. Give a warm welcome to Mod Kieren, the Old School team's new junior QA analyst!

"First of all, I’d just like to say that I’m extremely excited to be joining this team. The team is full of super talented and passionate individuals and it’s very much a pleasure to be joining them. I recently graduated with a mathematics degree from Newcastle University before getting this QA position and moving to Cambridge. I have played Runescape since late 2006, with a ridiculous number of hours of play time rolled up. I maxed my main account in 2011 and have loved being able to play Old School and re-experience that game on which I was only a noob so many years ago."

Mod Kieren will be making an appearance on the Old School developer Q&A at 5pm BST on Thursday over on the RuneScape Twitch.

Be sure to head over to Mod Kieren's Twitter and give him a big, Old School welcome!

With the new size of the Old School team, the possibilities with Old School are now bigger and better than ever. As always, we'll be keeping you up to date on all of our progress with regular developer blogs, news posts and Q&A streams.

Mods Alfred, Archie, Ash, Day, Ghost, Ian, John C, Kieren, Krista, Mat K, Ronan, Weath
The Old School Team