Grandmaster quest, members only.
One of a Kind is the first major update of our lore-packed March: a Gielinor-spanning, Grandmaster epic that takes RuneScape questing back to its roots.
Agree to help Mr Mordaut find Hannibus - last of the fabled Dragon Riders - and follow a trail of clues that'll test your wits and resolve, while uncovering the secret history of some of RuneScape's mightiest and most ancient races.
You'll travel the world, uncover the lost library of Robert the Strong, and the fate of a dying people will rest in your hands.
This is a quest for quest-lovers, with some of the highest requirements yet. There's a dragon's hoard of fantastic rewards, too:
- XP in Dungeoneering, Summoning and Magic, plus a lump of bonus XP if you've completed Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
- A Dragon Rider amulet with +4% critical chance in all combat styles and a whopping prayer bonus of 10. It also boosts the damage of your Dragon Breath ability, and increases your Prayer XP gain from burying dragon bones.
- Access to celestial dragons - new, high-level monsters voted for in a recent poll, who drop summoning materials and new Dragon Rider armour.

If you're a diehard quester hungry for delicious lore, don't delay - log in now and play One of a Kind!
Mod Raven and the RuneScape Team
How to start One of a Kind:
Speak to Mr Mordaut in the basement of Varrock Museum.
- 40 Divination
- 67 Dungeoneering
- 81 Magic
- 74 Summoning
- King's Ransom
- Missing, Presumed Death
- A Tail of Two Cats
- The World Wakes
It is recommended that you complete Ritual of the Mahjarrat.
You must be able defeat enemies up to 190 combat.
In Other News
- The cool down on Devotion has been lowered to 60 seconds (down from 90 seconds).
- The initial up time of Devotion has been increased to 10 seconds (up from 5).
- Solomon's now stocking the Drakefire Warship - an all-new companion pet, in keeping with this week's sky-faring theme!
Take a look at the patch notes for other updates released today.