Satisfaction Survey: A Brief Explanation

Satisfaction Survey: A Brief Explanation
Many of you had lots of questions following the announcement of the Satisfaction Survey in Thursday’s game update newspost. This short post should hopefully answer those questions.

Will this replace current methods of monitoring player satisfaction and feedback?

No it won’t! It’s just another tool in our arsenal. Thousands of you already provide us with feedback and engage in discussion. We have no intention of stopping this. This is an opportunity for us to gauge the feelings of the players who don't use other methods available. We’ll continue to utilise the forums, Reddit (/r/2007scape and /r/oldschoolrs), Twitter, Twitch, Discord calls with different areas of the community, and you even know a number of us in-game!

Why is it only a thumbs up/down with no other information?

We capture a lot of information on your play sessions. We are able to see what you’ve interacted with. We're interested in using this to help us interpret the thumbs-up/thumbs-down data you provide us with, as we'll be able to see things like what content you engage with and for how long. As stated above, we’ll still remain as open and communicable as ever.

Why can’t I enter text into a field to talk about the session?

We want it to be as unobtrusive as possible, as it stands we think a simple thumbs-up or thumbs-down provides just that. In the very first question we said we’d continue to be as contactable as we are now, so if there’s anything you desperately want to share with us, there’s never a shortage of willing JMod ears.

What will you use it for?

At the moment it really is just to see how happy you are. It’s a very simple way for us to gather top-level opinions from anybody who is willing to give us a response. A number of you have requested that we link this tool to certain aspects of the game, and it’s entirely possible that we’ll look to tie it in with specific pieces of content, or individual game updates.

Will you share the information you capture with us?

We certainly expect to! The way we share it hasn’t been decided yet. It’s possible we’ll allude to it in our Q&As, or it’ll play a part of the retrospective newsposts we sometimes put out for content releases. There’s lots we can do with it, but nothing is set in stone.

We do want your feedback, whether via the in-game tool or also your general perception of the tool itself. Discuss this update on our forums

Mods Archie, Ash, Ayiza, Curse, Ed, Ghost, Jed, John C, Kieren, Lottie, Mat K, Maz, Roq, Ry, Stone, Sween, Weath, West & Wolf
The Old School Team