
Funny Looking Frogs

Funny Looking Frogs

"Find out more about us by searching our name in forums.First thread you see :3"

Report Page

We are a friendly clan with all the will power and fun.Here you must be a part of the clan or nothing,we work as a team and just be freaking awesome x3 Stand tall and do all. -Bows-

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Skillbiez Skillbiez Owner
[#6ZBJFNVWV] [#6ZBJFNVWV] Corporal
Tigreau Tigreau Corporal
ICookies O_o ICookies O_o Corporal
[#YYHBDRF4B] [#YYHBDRF4B] Corporal
[#VXX68YFZ1] [#VXX68YFZ1] Corporal
R3Dneckrebel R3Dneckrebel Corporal
DragonArrow DragonArrow Recruit
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Skilling - Dungeoneering 103 16-Apr-12 14:00
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