
The Flow Gents

The Flow Gents

"We are The Flow-Gents. We seek to spread respect and honor through the land"

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We are the final five gentlemen in the land. We guard the sacred "flow" that was passed down from the mantle of the most sacred Flow Gods and that of Flowseidon himself. We humble few guardians are all that's left of a once sacred calling. In our journey across the great green north we seek divine inspiration and to do  these few things:

1.Spread the word of the most holy Flowseidon and con-bro-chill
2.To Supply the masses with the most sacred "flow-bucket"
3.To invite all, to our party

In a more serious tone though we are a bunch of casual players who like to branch out and do whatever fits our fancy. We take all kinds here. If your interested in becoming one of us drop either Bail Organa3, Kickapoo Dio, or Mystic Beani a message and tell us a bit about yourself.

Have fun and we'll see you online!

Also, this is required viewing: http://***.youtube.***/watch?v=lvJL1W1D93A
And this: http://***.youtube.***/watch?v=R9c2fL77Cv0

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