
New World Order

New World Order

"2500+ | Come guest for 24/7 High-level PvM, Raids & Minigames |"

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New World Order is a large high-level PvM (All Bosses) & Minigames clan with lots of experienced, helpful players making teams 24/7. You will be able to find & make a team for any combat achievement or any minigame, regardless of your quality or time zone.

Our Clan Citadel is Maxed out. Activate the Avatar Control Stone for 3% Bonus XP when skilling anywhere in the game or get 6% Bonus XP if you gain 900 Citadel resources per week.

Join our Discord Server (GUESTS WELCOME!):

Home Worlds: W77 America & W92 Europe

- 2500+ total levels
- RuneScape Member
- Be active

Ranks are based on XP gained since joining New World Order.
- Recruit: 0 XP
- Corporal: 25M XP
- Sergeant: 100M XP
- Lieutenant: 200M XP
- Captain: 500M XP
- General: 900M XP
- Admin: 1.4B XP
- Organiser: 2B XP
- Coordinator: Merit
- Overseer: Merit

Guest in our Clan Chat by typing "New World Order" in Clan tab.
To join our Clan Chat, ask any Clan Member online for an Clan invite.

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SneakyXSteve SneakyXSteve Owner
Snaccident Snaccident Deputy Owner
Outcry Outcry Deputy Owner
Darkelw Darkelw Deputy Owner
Markvs Markvs Deputy Owner
Hexabl Hexabl Deputy Owner
Jewelmule Jewelmule Deputy Owner
Yimminy6 Yimminy6 Deputy Owner
Choglog Choglog Deputy Owner
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