


"The New Age Has Come...."

Report Page

Welcome to Death Age! We are a friendly social / PvM clan owned by kliio, who are more than thrilled to help you if you need advice or other players as part of an activity. We use world 12 as our home. If you have any other questions, please ask one of the clan  ranks (to the right of this paragraph). As always, we are keen to expand our clan by accepting new members such as you. Thank you for visiting our clan page on the RuneScape forums!

Clan rules:

1.) No directed harassment or insults.
2.) No begging, scamming or rule breaking.
3.) No repetitive cussing or spamming chat.
4.) No racial / innuendo statements or jokes.
5.) No borrowing or lending items via clan chat without using the lending system.

Other things to note:

Please try your best to be cheerful in the clan chat; it's a place which other people like to relax and have fun socialising. The general atmosphere can easily turn if the clan rules are not obeyed, and we want everyone to have fun. Thanks!

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Top Clanmates

Dylzzahh Dylzzahh Owner
Wolvesbane60 Wolvesbane60 General
Jusstin Jusstin General
Jenni Xo Jenni Xo General
minitruckinn minitruckinn Sergeant
lootleech247 lootleech247 Sergeant
11Xash11 11Xash11 Corporal
MushroomM8y MushroomM8y Corporal
Phyllgaer Phyllgaer Corporal
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