
Split Souls

Split Souls

"A Glorified Friends Chat"

Report Page

Welcome to our clan page!
We are a recruiting clan that values honesty, respect, and loyalty. The mission of this clan is to create a caring atmosphere where everyone's opinions are always valued. Fact is-there are many other clans whom value similar things, but what makes us different is that we all have heart-for each other and for the game. All our major decisions are made as a group, and we will never allow any player to be deranked or kicked by just one's authority. We don’t tolerate botters, trolls, or unreasonable disrespect for other clan members. We promise to always be friendly and open to suggestions.
If there are any concerns/questions, please let one of us know. Our arms are always open for you :)

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Boebonik Boebonik Owner
RevRaptor RevRaptor Deputy Owner
Mr Pingers Mr Pingers Overseer
Katorian Katorian Overseer
Arcane Fae Arcane Fae Overseer
Wiigie Wiigie Overseer
Aethrin Aethrin Overseer
Evilledz Evilledz Overseer
Shockey19 Shockey19 Overseer
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