
GAS Clan

GAS Clan

"The Original GaS Clan, Adults having Fun"

Report Page

We are a group of adults and family members that play Runescape with an idea to provide a family like environment that helps, supports and encourages each other; with a belief and knowledge that every player is a person with a real life, family and feelings.  Age alone is not the basis for membership, but what is required is a mature attitude and behavior.

Our goal is to create an environment for mature players who can rely on and trust each other and provide a RS experience that makes it a safer and better place for all, clan member or not.

We do not PK in the wild.  We do feel our members should not participate in this activity.  Although we cannot tell anyone what to do in the game, if you PK we appreciate not joining our family.

We do not have mandatory events, but appreciate participation in our scheduled events.

GAS has been a family, since March 15, 2006.

You must want to have fun and if you have a sense of humor all the better!

Please see forum for rules and more info.

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GAS MRoss GAS MRoss Owner
GAS Howard GAS Howard Deputy Owner
Specialwingz Specialwingz Overseer
Twostepper Twostepper Coordinator
Hansgard Hansgard Coordinator
Aiwendil Mai Aiwendil Mai Organiser
1oldman2 1oldman2 Organiser
Wonderer Wonderer Organiser
TX 4 ever TX 4 ever Admin
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