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Zer0 PvM

Zer0 PvM

"The most active PVM based community in the game. Zer0 PvM discord to join!"

Report Page

Zer0pvmHelp - FRIEND'S CHAT
Zer0pvmclan - TWITCH
https://discord.gg/asZMbHSWqu - DISCORD

Zer0 PvM is an elite monster killing clan. We are the most active PvM clan on RuneScape, which means you will have no problem making or finding elite teams for any boss. Our members host teams for all bosses on an hourly basis and our staff team hosts all kinds of events throughout the week.

We have a very active discord server, link mentioned above. This server is the main form of communication in our clan. You are able to join our clan through the application proces on discord. If you need help with applying, please join 'zer0pvmhelp' friend's chat.

Other than pro PvM teams we also offer:
- Learning sessions at all major bosses.
- Seasonal drop competitions with major prizes
- A clan discord
- Clan events

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Top Clanmates

Erwin Erwin Owner
Saint Gher Saint Gher Deputy Owner
Alexanderke Alexanderke Deputy Owner
Zero Errors Zero Errors Overseer
Math Shark Math Shark Overseer
Sam N Stuff Sam N Stuff Coordinator
Yathsou Yathsou Coordinator
Defill99 Defill99 Coordinator
Dutch Diaper Dutch Diaper Coordinator
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