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Loner Scape

Loner Scape

"If you're not gaining exp, you're wasting exp!"

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Our goal in Loner Scape is to maintain a unique, friendly environment in which clan members can meet new people, make some new friends, have friendly interaction with one another, while gaining a ton of xp! Our clan is a very laid back, mature p2p skilling and bossing clan

In Loner Scape we don't have any mandatory rules.(except for the rules of Jagex and to respect each other) Example: Citadel work and XP capping are optional! (but encouraged) We want our members to have a great time and not worry about meeting a certain quota. Our goal is to make our members as comfortable as we can possibly make them.

Our clan is open to all guests, so pop in and say hello! We are always open to meeting new friends.

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L0N3Rscap3 L0N3Rscap3 Owner
DvilsLettuce DvilsLettuce Deputy Owner
Warthog574 Warthog574 Deputy Owner
Gaga Gaga Deputy Owner
LenaLCorp LenaLCorp Deputy Owner
Coding Coding Deputy Owner
Snipe Meh Snipe Meh Overseer
IOUJackyIOU IOUJackyIOU Overseer
Digpic Digpic Admin
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