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The Fallen

The Fallen

"Fallen PvM, best clan since the 70's"

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«:: F ::» «:: A ::» «:: L ::» «:: L ::» «:: E ::» «:: N ::»

120+ combat or 2.2k+ total level to join

The Fallen, also known as Fallen PvM is a small community skilling and pvm clan based on w103.

Clan is based on CENTRAL US Time and Eastern US

                         Clan Founded May 2008!
~~~ 3rd in the Skilling weekend competition 2011! ~~~

Formally known as Velocity, The Fallen is a reformed version of it. We are the Fallen from the clan Velocity and after many struggles and times of hardships we have brought Velocity back together.

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Top Clanmates

Alan Alan Owner
LuckyGuess LuckyGuess Deputy Owner
Twinks Twinks Deputy Owner
fwb fwb Deputy Owner
Jordi R Jordi R Overseer
Fallen Evie Fallen Evie Overseer
Cupcakes Cupcakes Overseer
Xpurt Xpurt Overseer
Tomasz Tomasz Overseer
Clanmates (all)

Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Clan event - Clan Resource Gathering 195 09-Feb-16 02:30
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