
Bah Humbug

Bah Humbug

"Bah, Humbug!"

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You might accurately say this is something of an odd clan.  Small and conspicuously 'chummy' is common enough, but I believe there are enough kinks of humour, personality, and taste to make this something rather out of the ordinary.

Ruled by a Mad Caesar, dominated by a fair few *****, and symbolized by an unbalanced penguin and a giant hand from a second-rate circus, we are - if nothing else - questionable, but infectious.

This is my first and hopefully last attempt at having my own clan.  I've long had dreams of world domination via a classic criminal syndicate, but since that ambition is presently unfeasible, a clan in RuneScape seemed like the next logical step.


I am dedicated to my fellow humbugs and I will support and bully them into all manner of convoluted humbuggery.  Every humbug is chosen with care and affection and will be smacked with equal care and efficiency.

Humour, obsessive skilling, friendship and humbuggery.  That's us.

Bah Humbug!

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