
Kingdom of Lumphia

Kingdom of Lumphia

"Through light and wisdom."

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~We, the Kingdom of Lumphia have sworn that we  shall fight with all honor and courage against those who attack the liberty from others we will fight them and fight them 'till the end.

-Lumphia is the clan name, is a word that is derived from LUM meaning light and SOPHIA meaning wisdom.

-The flag is conformed of a dark red background with a golden crown and also a golden fleur de lis. The dark red background represents the blood of those who fight for our cause as well as valor and courage, the crown represents the power of the "monarchy" (leaders of the clan), and the fleur de lis represents the virtue of the the clan members.

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Cute Kayra Cute Kayra Owner
Kiraly Khan Kiraly Khan Overseer
Oogway 2 Oogway 2 Overseer
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thiickthighs thiickthighs Lieutenant
Girlboy69 Girlboy69 Lieutenant
[#49EYACHZ0] [#49EYACHZ0] Sergeant
Vv_DL99O3s Vv_DL99O3s Sergeant
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