
Purple Pain

Purple Pain

"Loyal & Social Clan."

Report Page

Welcome to Purple Pain, Would like to join? Or just want to see our Clan? You can always taste the atmosphere of our Clan Chat. We are a Clan where you can vote or always can plan a event if you post a reply on our forums.
We hope you're having a good time, in- and outside Purple Pain,

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Top Clanmates

Vamp kid Vamp kid Overseer
[#Y6V8607LL] [#Y6V8607LL] Overseer
[#779LYFZC6] [#779LYFZC6] Admin
[#7QV5CLUM6] [#7QV5CLUM6] Admin
[#UAP1CZ8JC] [#UAP1CZ8JC] Admin
Kyle Cooper Kyle Cooper Captain
[#6L1KNCRNP] [#6L1KNCRNP] Lieutenant
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Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Dungeon 31 07-Jan-12 17:30
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