
Red Dragon Apostles

Red Dragon Apostles

"The Blood Of The Red Dragon Fuel's Our Power"

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It all started awhile back with a man named Caine.
Caine was a loyal follower of the chaos god Zamorak.
He went by another name back then, and served his god well.
One day however, Caine grew more powerful, and relized that Zamorak would never lead these people, he would only hide. Caine left Zamorak and was quickly found and thrown to a pit of red dragons with no armor, and no blade. Caine was later found in the pit. alive by his old General Heizing, a powerful mage cursed to walk the earth as a ghost forever. He had slain all 6 of the red dragons, and drained them of their blood for energy.... Caine, now infused with the blood of red dragons and called "Red Dragon God" now leads this clan in attempt to take over these worlds of runescape.

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