
Shrinky Dinks

Shrinky Dinks

"Antiqua Victoria- Ancient victoy join the fight f2p & p2p skilling & Combat"

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We are Antiqua Victoria also known as Ancient Victory from our Latin translation. We are in for the fight and wont back out till we are victorious. This clan is a place to learn grow and enhance your talents. This clan is extremely social and active within the mini-games within free to play and members worlds. Our staff will work hard to meet demands as well as to have fun. So in result taking a step into Antiqua Victoria would essentially be a step in the right direction.

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Top Clanmates

Captain Ok Captain Ok Owner
Doctor MT Doctor MT Deputy Owner
More Ferarum More Ferarum Deputy Owner
Deleo Mortis Deleo Mortis Deputy Owner
MelonPockets MelonPockets Deputy Owner
Unknownpeep2 Unknownpeep2 Organiser
Zanzibar167 Zanzibar167 Recruit
Celestial128 Celestial128 Recruit
LimePockets LimePockets Recruit
Clanmates (all)

Clan Updates

Clan Events
Type Description World Date/Time
Skilling - Dungeoneering 14 05-Aug-11 19:00
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