


"We put google out of business."

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Sparkle is a Skilling/PvM based clan full of experts willing to assist learners in all aspects of the game. Whether you are just starting out in PvM or a seasoned veteran, we have a place for you!

Our clan is dedicated to teaching and helping others to become great at PvM and Skilling. Don't be afraid to ask a question. Someone is always there to give advice or lend a helping hand.

Clan Perks:
- clan avatar buffs
- discord
- access to an abundance of knowledge from veteran players and a mature community.

Activities that we do are:
- Group bossing (Vorago (HM), Nex: AoD, Raids, etc)
- Solo/duo PvM (reaper assignments, God Wars Dungeon 2, etc)
- Skilling (Everything, including group Dungeoneering!)
- citadel (not required at all but visiting or capping is very appreciated)

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Top Clanmates

Ally Ally Owner
XJ9 XJ9 Deputy Owner
StunYakaPLS StunYakaPLS Coordinator
Always Always Admin
Stinky Piggy Stinky Piggy Admin
Velvet Booty Velvet Booty Captain
Bunb69 Bunb69 Lieutenant
Devbug Devbug Lieutenant
Solak Leech Solak Leech Sergeant
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